Wednesday 27 October 2010

New Project

So, I'm scrapping Feral. After numerous attempts to make it something special and personal, it lost substance. Something that demanded narrative had no narrative, or rather, it had narrative, but it was too big for a small animation.

So I'm going in a new direction. Something small and with a simple, clean narrative. This will still contain hyper-kinetic martial arts. I won't ever escape the fact that I really want to show off my animation ability. In the long run, the stories will be given to me by someone who is, frankly, much better at it than I am. My personal projects are to remain personal. This however, is something to showcase my ability more so than a powerful literate piece.

Simple characters laid out in a simple plot involving a bridge, martial arts and the concept of honor. I can assure you the style used before this was more detailed visually, but when push comes to shove, you can have the prettiest looking visuals, but it still loses out to simple, beautifully animated designs.

The general idea is that two guys, meet on a bridge going opposite ways, but their pride denies the other passage past them. So they end up fighting, awesomely, but end up stopping the fight when they realize that they passed eachother in the fray and are on the right side of the bridge for their journey. There's a brief pause, then they bow and leave. I might add other elements, like a smile that shows these two enemies becoming friends through respect, maybe cheeky little comedy elements at the end where one makes a gesture at the other behind his back... Stuff like that.

In all though, this idea seems more manageable and more solid, and maybe more fun to work with. Now to propose the damn thing...

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